IBDP Past Year Exam Questions – Techniques for Integration

1. [M08/P2/TZ1]

By using an appropriate substitution find 

               tanlnyydy,  y>0

2. [M98/P1]

Find     arctan x dx .

3. [N95/P1]

Find  x2ex dx .

4. [M11/P2/TZ2]

Using integration by parts, show that  e2xsinx dx=15e2x2sinx cosx+C . [6 marks]

5. [N12/P2/TZ2]

By using the substitution  x=sin t , find  x31x2dx .    [7 marks]

6. [M13/P1/TZ1]

The function  f is defined by  fx=14x24x+5 . By using a suitable substitution show that  fx dx=141u2+1du .

7. [N13/P2/TZ0]

By using the substitution  x=2 tan u , show that 

                            dxx2x2+4=x2+44x+C         [7 marks]

8. [N14/P1/TZ0]

By using the substitution  u=1+x , find  x1+x dx .   [6 marks]

9. [M16/P2/TZ2]

10. [N17/P2/TZ0]

By using the substitution  x2=2 sec θ , show that  dxxx44=14arccos2x2+c .     [7 marks]